"Is It Worth It ?" Bus in Glasgow - February 2018

 The "Is It Worth It ?" crowdfunded bus came to Glasgow as part of its tour of the United Kingdom.

"Brexit to cost £2,000 million a week - is it worth it?" 

We heard from some great speakers on the day. If you want to find out more about the answer to the question posed by the bus then have a look at their website at : https://www.isitworthit.org.uk/

Faux Bojo - wonderful performances again as Scottish Boris entertaining the crowds !

David Martin, the UK's longest serving MEP

Patrick Harvie - Co-convenor of the Scottish Green Party, talking about the Brexit impact reports.

My local MP Jo Swinson, talking about our young people's futures in Europe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The GFA is a treaty held at the UN and obviously signed by both Ireland and the UK as soverign governments. The agreement guarantees the SM and CU in the island of Ireland. Scotland voted to Remain and Gordon Brown said during the indi ref that she was a sovereign country. So Brexit = England only. But because geographically England blocks Scotland and Ireland in terms of easiest access route there is an unfair dominance of the bigger country on the two smaller ones. The proximity of England to Europe ironically has given her a financial benefit compared to either Scotland or Ireland yet she wishes to leave the EU and bring the other two out with her. The effect of Brexit on Ireland will be catastrophic as goods will no longet be able to travel thru England. yenehnairb@gmail.com