Starting a new blog to analyse the facts of Brexit.

I was a Remain supporter although with reservations. The issues were too large for most normal voters to comprehend, yet this vote was put to the public.

I did intend to gather facts before the vote but I did not have time so now I am making up for that and analysing the facts afterwards to see what type of solution we can come to - can we stop Brexit - the more that the facts come up it appears that Brexit will only suit a few and not the majority of UK citizens. And 50 years of European integration will be lost.

And here is my pie chart to illustrate the vote better - here is how the electorate voted (or not) that day in May or June ? 2016

But lets firstly gather the facts and interesting news stories

The first post Brexit vote EU Summit - will we be at the table ? We should be until Brexit happens (or not !) in my opinion - although I still think we should remain in the EU !

Britannia Rules the Waves .... !
I find this hysterical - it just typifies how out of touch these people are to me ... especially as at least one of our fabulous yacht making companies has been bought over by the Chinese - surely we could crowdfund to keep our excellent countries UK owned .... I would happily invest something in a company - it might get better returns that the banks miserable interest rates !

Switzerland and Brexit

Australia and Brexit

The Letter from Japan

Will only bankers avoid the immigration curbs (surely not !!) lets hope Engineers will too - but  I think I preferred it when we could all have a right to live in the rest of Europe - surely as EU Citizens that is the best way to be ...
can we take this to European Court for Human Rights - as these things are being decided by Conservative party who only have 24.4% of electorate actually voting them into power!

We may need to apply to visit Europe !

BREXIT - a big rundown of the consequences of what is likely to happen with Brexit - I really think you've got to admit that it just cant go ahead -
Science Research centres - being removed -

Telegraph - speculating on the latest re Brexit

2015 General Election

THE 2015 GENERAL ELECTION A voting system in crisis

2015 must be the last General Election under our broken First. Past the Post voting ... with 36.9% of the electorate voting Conservative and 30.4% voting Labour.

Conservatives - 11,334,576 out of 

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