A Brexit for All or NONE At all !

This article is interesting re: WTO rules (see below). We must not go down the line of a sectoral deal for any sector. I have a suspicion that the London based government, of the party who first mooted the election, are tempted to try for a sectoral deal for Financial services. However, if they do this, then to me it is the most major insult and snub and ruination for manufacturing in the United Kingdom. It would be massively unfair. And it would really finally separate London from the rest of us !  Now we say London, but lets remember also that many of those who work week in week out n London are workers from the rest of the UK. Every week people leave Glasgow, Liverpool and other cities and head down to London to work for the week. Lets not forget this when London gets so uppity.
Changing Light over the London Skyline from New Zealand House
                                    (Photograph © Copyright Christine Matthews and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.)

And as well as manufacturing there are other sectors that should be considered - services, fishing, farming etc. As well as consideration to UK workers abroad. So we must either have:
A Brexit For All or NONE At All !
However lets also remember that Financial Services and Banking caused the Financial Crisis of 2008. These money speculators are happy to gamble with other people's money. For them its not even a gamble as there is no personal risk attached. If they win they take the money. If they lose, someone else pays ! They gamble with our money. They invest with our money - but they make sure that the first returns are paid to them and any that is left night come to us if we are lucky !

Lets remember though that its manufacturing and exports that are the key to sorting out the negative balance of trade in the UK. We need to sort this and its the only way of increasing the wealth of our country. The balance of trade has been negative for far too long. It needs to be reversed.

And personally I do not think Brexit is the way to do that. But if we are doing Brexit then let's really aim to stand on our own two feet. Lets ban takeovers by foreign buyers while the pound is low. And let's get started on building up the UK ! "Make Britain Great Again" (to paraphrase Trump !! (I wonder why Theresa May has not used that one ! Apart from the fact we are the UK as opposed to Britain !)

Anyway have a read about trading and WTO Rules here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38658025

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