Jacob Rees Mogg

Jacob Rees Mogg - MP for NE Somerset - http://www.jacobreesmogg.com/ an advocate of Brexit and yesterday gave a particularly patronising speech to the House of Commons in particular a five minute anti Labour tirade. Nice.
Now this man reminds me of people I went to St Andrews University with.

I decided to find out more ... now while the rest of us pay tax, do an honest days work and pay for our own house otherwise we get evicted, or we might even be liable to the bedroom tax ! but no .. the rules are different for some people.  Now this might not have surprised me in Victorian Times, but in this day and age when information should be freely available to all citizens, and when all citizens are supposedly equal, then yes it IS SHOCKING !

Wentworth Woodworth Mansion Tax - we all have to pay this !!

ancestral pile of Rees Mogg's wife - https://www.ft.com/content/d5efd3a0-b32f-11e6-a37c-f4a01f1b0fa1 7.5m taxpayer bailout. Mr Rees-Mogg’s mother-in-law inherited the family fortune but not the home. She is one of the trustees of the Wentworth Woodhouse Preservation Trust, which has raised £7m to acquire the house. Some of the money is to stop the house subsiding in to the coal mines - the family fortune was built on mining - all so ironic !!  

In contrast - Govenment Policy - The Bedroom Tax

The same government as above:
"The bedroom tax is a cut in your housing benefit if you live in a council or housing association property and have what is classified as a 'spare' bedroom."

Rees Mogg News Stories :

Reported to parliamentary watchdog for failing to declare financial interests: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/tory-backbench-mp-jacob-rees-mogg-failed-to-declare-interests-9923362.html
Rees Mogg - Capital - Failed to Declare - Parliamentary Watchdog

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